How to Eat the Rainbow: High Vibration Foods for Wholesome Health
Pride 2018 is here, and it’s time to play! With the innumerable shows, celebrations, lectures and events to attend this month in honor of LGBTQA+ culture, we need all the extra energy we can get. Instead of downing an extra cup of coffee (or two) a day, at EC we have decided to increase our exuberance by eating the rainbow. And, no, we’re not referring to a multi-tiered unicorn cake, though those are real cute. We’re talking high-vibration foods—organic, natural and not a not a neon dye in sight.

What do we mean when we talk about “high-vibration foods”? Scientists and researchers working in either quantum physics or metaphysics study vibrations. The down and dirty explanation: our bodies are made of matter. All matter contains energy. Energy vibrates at a range of frequencies, which are affected by countless external and internal factors. Food is one of the more important factors to consider. While it’s important to take a holistic approach to assessing your health, one of the easiest areas to focus on improving is paying attention to what we put onto and into our bodies.
High-frequency foods allow you to operate at your most excellent self. We’re talking nourishing, life-giving, plant-derived foods. And we can’t think of a better (or more fitting, given that it’s Pride Month) way to ensure you’re giving your body and brain what they need than to eat the rainbow! Below, we outline the basic energies each natural food color contains and how consuming those colors can benefit you. As an added bonus, we also tell you which particular colorful eats we’re loving and cooking with this season.
Red is, vibrationally, the densest color, meaning it’s grounding and centering when consumed, meaning it’s a must-have for those of us anxiety and worry in our day-to-days. Red is also good for blood circulation, as well as for strengthening the heart and organs.

Not just for matters of the physical heart, red is also the color most commonly associated with love and romance. Chocolate-covered strawberries, anyone? Red ignites our passions. It represents determination and active energy for others and ourselves. On the plate, it steals the show. Aesthetically, it adds life and vibrancy to any dish. Here, at EC, we’re also huge fans of classic red tomatoes. In fact, we recently featured our favorite red food in a blog post all about our smoker. We smoked our big, beefy tomatoes along with sliced white onion and puréed it into a creamy, high-vibe sauce with rusty, red-orange hue.
Orange and Yellow
These sunshiny hues are nearly synonymous with summertime. These are the colors of creativity and are most often associated physically with the reproductive organs—fertility of both the mind and the body. These foods can thank the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene for their signature coloring.

The vitamin c present in these plant foods is perfect for our skin, hair and even our vision. While many orange foods often feel more fall than summer once prepared—roasted pumpkin and sweet potato anyone?—there are plenty of ripe fruits and veggies in which to indulge this June. We love bright yellow bananas with breakfast, of course, but one of our specialty creations take a little more prep. In our EC wheelhouse is a specialty non-alcoholic drink called the Mangolicious, thick, super-sweet yellow-orange lassi-like concoction. And though alcohol is undoubtedly a low-vibration item, we won’t tell on you if you want to add a splash to this irresistible mocktail.
Green is life. It is growth, love, balance, nature, human and everything in between and outside. Green foods get their color directly from the elements. The sun, soil and water that grow all things alive (including us!) produce in these foods chlorophyll, a green pigment noted for its healing and detoxing powers. A green aura denotes a disposition that is kind, welcoming and calm. Eating dark, leafy food restores balance in all areas of your mind, body and soul.

Here at EC, we are all about the greens. From wilted collards and spinach to vibrant, raw green salads tossed in a dressing of olive oil and apple cider vinegar that’s rich in healthy fats and b-vitamins. One of the simplest ways to add a healthy dose of panache to any dish we’re serving is to finish the plating with a couple of sprouted microgreens or a sprinkle of freshly chopped herbs. Cilantro, parsley and chives are a few of our favorites.
Purple, the color of galaxies and the Northern Lights, is an inherently spiritual color. Also historically associated with royalty, this hue is thought to affect intuition and to heighten consciousness. Purple is the color of relief—like a weight off your shoulders, its aura is associated with the healing of both physical and mental pain.

Purple foods get their color from anthocyanins, which are water-soluble pigments that some think contribute to the various health benefits of these plants. What are those health benefits? A strong heart, good blood pressure and lowered risk for obesity. We here at EC are big fans of vibrant purple cabbage shredded into salad mixes, as well as spiced eggplant entreés such as eggplant napoleon.

Our absolute favorite way to eat is to add as many vibrant, high-vibration foods as we can to every dish we serve and every meal we eat. How better to better ourselves than to #EatTheRainbow?