Happy Birthday, Julia Child

On August 15, 1912 in Pasadena, California, a larger-than-life girl was born. Julia Child. Today we celebrate the birthday of this magic woman — cook extraordinaire, adventurous eater, dinner party diva, and major proponent of butter.
We can credit JC with lots of things: introducing joie de vivre into the kitchen, embracing the joy of cooking (without fully caring about the outcome), a deep sense of humor and curiosity, and fearlessness.
She doesn’t so much embody a style of cooking or technique, but a philosophy. One that centers around a sense of humor, love of life, and untouchable joy that’s infectious to be around.
Some things you may not know about this queen?

She was a former spy, basketball star (Smith College!), and the first woman inducted into the Culinary Institute of America’s Hall of Fame. To say that we aspire to her Rive-Gauche-devil-may-care-emphasis-on-the-best-things lifestyle is a understatement.
So today – go forth with a geometric, button-down shirt and big wooden spoon. Crack some eggs on the floor, invite 20 people over for a dinner party without a set menu, or buy enough butter to feed a small army. As Julia has taught us: having fun is key to life, and makes for the very best food.

*If you need some summer reading, a few of our favorite books from the Julia Child canon: