Pantone Color of The Year: Ultra Violet
We wanted to start the new year out with a blog that showcased everything we will be working towards. That includes all things that purple stands for and then some. 2018 will be the year of using food to elevate your life. You will begin to notice that each blog, menu and party we host promotes the use of food in a healthy and positive way. Each dish will incorporate healthy spices created by our chefs. Our vegetarian options will use every part of the vegetable from root to end. The EC Home Store has already added inventory, like our all natural room sprays and soy candles, that promote a positive environment around your home and office. We are also excited to share more healthy snacking menus and ideas that will make for great office drop offs. Stay tuned for new and exciting things all year long!

In December, Pantone announced the color of the year for 2018. To our excitement, it’s a beautiful violet purple. Our favorite color! We’ve always loved purple, that’s why it’s our logo color. Purple is a mix of firey, impactful red and calming, effortless blue. The components to a perfectly executed event. Spirituality, creativity, wellness and luxury are just of few of the many meanings behind this powerful color. Although these are all characteristics our Entertaining Company team already embodies, this year especially will be the year to implement everything purple stands for!
The EC family also has a few trips planned in hopes of gathering new inspirations and seeing how the rest of the world is “living life on a higher vibration.” Spreading positive energy through the love of healthy, healing foods. Some of our traveling adventures will also be in search of new products that will be incorporated into all of our events and the EC Home Store.

Cheers to the year of purple. A year of growth, creativity, healthy, positive habits and overall success!
Happy New Year Everyone,
Entertaining Company